I never read any ex-JW literature before I sent in my letter of DA.
I was convinced that God was a real being through an experience similar to the one that Abraham experienced when he was tested. That experience and reading the Bible made me feel primarily responsible to God not the FDS. Over the years the way the Organization undermined Jesus and Jehovah as our leaders made me look again at the significance of Genesis 22. Of the many things that are misrepresented in this account one that began to resonate with me is the ignorance that Abraham had of any "doctrine". He didn't rely on a committee to help him "take in knowledge of God". Rather he got to "know God" in a more direct way. Never mediated by anyone else.
The scriptures finally separated me from the Organization. The Branch would not tolerate an alternate understanding of their version of Jehovah's test of Abraham.They say that God called for a bloody sacrifice. I read that God asked for a new thing when he asked for Isaac as a burnt offering. I believe that each of us have to find where we are called to our own mount Moriah and engage with God at that point . "Taking in knowledge of God" is a lousey translation of John 17:3 that destroys or at least distorts the only way of knowing God---- through a measure of ignorance. Yes, a measure of ignorance in which he shows each one of us who he is.
I study the scriptures to deconstruct the layers of falsehood the Organization force fed us. There are many treasures in the scriptures. But we can search and search them and never, ever find God in them alone because the men who wrote them hardly knew what they were saying. We won't find God without a little risk--and Jesus.
I understand "burnt offering" to be a free and trusting relationship not a forced bloody submission. No committees, no corporation, no governing bodies. Only Jesus. Only his Father. Genesis 22.